Học Bổng Toàn Phần Manaaki New Zealand 2025

• Toàn bộ học phí
• Chi phí sinh hoạt
• Trợ cấp ban đầu
• Bảo hiểm y tế và bảo hiểm du lịch
• Vé máy bay khứ hồi
• Trợ cấp nghiên cứu và luận án
Các lĩnh vực ưu tiên cho ứng viên Việt Nam:
• Biến đổi khí hậu và môi trường
• Quản lý rủi ro thiên tai
• Năng lượng tái tạo
• An ninh lương thực và nông nghiệp
• Quản trị tốt
• Động lực kinh tế và khu vực tư nhân
Cổng đăng ký ứng tuyển: https://www.nzscholarships.govt.nz/apply-online/
Kiểm tra điều kiện ứng tuyển: https://nzscholarships.my.site.com/Sch…/s/eligibility-test
Các ngành học: https://www.nzscholarships.govt.nz/research-study…/
Apply online for a Manaaki Scholarship
Applications open on 1 February 2025 and will close on 28 February 2025 at midday.
Please note that the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme application system may close early to countries with a large volume of applications. To avoid disappointment don’t delay – lodge your application now!
Follow these steps to apply for a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship using our online application system.
On this page
Tips for using the online application system
You must supply a valid email address
Go to the online application system
Applicants applying again
If you have previously submitted or started an application for a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship through the RealMe process, please complete the following steps:
Step 1: Re-set your password
If you have started or submitted a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship application before 2018, click here and complete the instructions on how to reset your password. Hint: Look for the RealMe logo.
You will be sent an email with the link to reset your password. Follow the instructions on the screen after you click on the link. Remember to look in your spam folder, where automated messages are sometimes filtered.
Step 2: Confirm your eligibility
Complete the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships online eligibility test.
Step 3: Complete and submit your application before the closing date
Use your Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship account to access the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship online application system anytime between the opening and closing dates for your country.
New Applicants
Eligible applicants can only start an application from the application opening date for their country.
Step 1: Confirm your eligibility
Complete the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships online eligibility test to see if you are eligible to apply. If the Online Eligibility Test confirms that you are eligible, you will get an eligibility code (number).
Step 2: Register for a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship account
If you are eligible you will see a “register” button on the webpage, click on this to start your registration for a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Account. You will be asked to enter an email address, this will become your username for logging on again later. The system will run a check to make sure that this email address is not already being used. If the check passes, you will need to complete the rest of your account details and select ‘Register’. This is where you will enter your Eligibility Code that you have emailed to yourself or written down.
Step 3: Set password for your Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship account
You will be sent an email to set a password to complete the registration process. Click on the link in the email which will take you to a screen where you will need to set your password. Remember to look in your spam folder, where automated messages are sometimes filtered.
Step 4: Complete and submit your application before the closing date
Use your Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Account to access the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship online application system anytime between the opening and closing dates for your country. Make sure you submit your application before the deadline.
Before you apply
Before you apply; what information and documents you need
Application writing tips
- Write in English: We do not accept applications in other languages.
- Check your work: Make sure your answers make sense. Use correct English grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Keep answers concise: Make sure each answer is within the maximum character limit specified on the form.
- Don’t cheat or plagiarise: We will reject your application if there is evidence your work is not your own work or other people have helped you with your answers.
Tips for using the online application system
Follow these tips when you complete your online application form for a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship
You must supply a valid email address
Throughout the selection process, we contact applicants by email. It is very important your email address remains current. It is also important that you check your email regularly. You must reply to us promptly, otherwise you may miss updates. If you fail to reply promptly, you may lose your chance of a scholarship. Your email address is also your username. If you need to change your email address remember that this will also change your username.
You can change your email address after you submit your application
- First login to the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships Portal using your current username/email address.
- Select the “My Profile” option in the menu in the top right of the page.
- Select “Edit” (at bottom of page).
- Enter your new Email address, and save the changes.
Remember this is now your new username. Make sure you have entered the new email address correctly or you will not receive notifications from us.
Go to the online application system
The online application form is only available between the opening and closing dates for your country.
Check the opening and closing dates for your country
Application limits
Please note that the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme application system may close early to countries from which a large volume of applications have been received. To avoid disappointment, we strongly recommend applying as early as possible.
Send us an enquiry
This website answers the common questions we get from applicants. If you have carefully read all the scholarship information on this website, and you still have unanswered questions, use this contact form.
Nguồn: https://ivolunteer.vn/hoc-bong-toan-phan-manaaki-new-zealand-2025-s27112.html
Shortlink: https://ivolunteervietnam.com?p=151898
Trong quá trình tổng hợp và chia sẻ thông tin, các tình nguyện viên/ cộng tác viên/ thành viên rất khó tránh khỏi thiếu sót. Rất mong được độc giả cảm thông và góp ý tích cực để giúp iVolunteer Vietnam ngày một hoàn thiện & phát triển.
iVolunteer - Cơ hội tình nguyện cho sinh viên và giới trẻ Việt Nam
- Website: https://ivolunteervietnam.com/
- Email: connect@ivolunteer.vn
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/iVolunteerVietnam
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivolunteervietnam
- Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thongtintinhnguyen
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iVolunteerVietnam
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ivolunteervietnam.com